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HSBC HealthPass

Take control of your health with our new healthcare solution.

The smart choice for your healthcare journey

Gain access to an extensive range of medical services at preferential rates. Enjoy the convenience of seamless video consultation and instant healthcare with HSBC HealthPass.

Buy now on the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app (HSBC HK App).

Key benefits

Consult GPs via video consultations

Conveniently book and conduct video consultations[@insurance-healthpass-video-consultation] with general practitioners (GP). Get prescriptions and medications delivered to your door[@insurance-healthpass-medicine-delivery].

Enjoy preferential consultation rates

Get 20% off at 1,800+ medical providers network across 25+ specialties, including general practitioners (GP), traditional Chinese medicine specialists, cardiologists and dentists.

Share your plan with loved ones

Give your family and friends full access to your plan, with up to 6 members per plan (1 main member & 5 sub-members).

Buy instantly in a few taps

No medical assessments needed as this is not an insurance product.

HSBC HealthPass Plan Types[@insurance-healthpass-plan-types]

Choose from our Standard and Premium plans and enjoy the flexibility to pay monthly or annually to cater to your unique needs. Find out more details about the prices of the monthly and annual plans on the HSBC HK App.
Plan details HealthPass Standard HealthPass Premium
Price[@insurance-healthpass-plan-types] As low as HKD33 per month

Add up to 5 sub-members[@insurance-healthpass-submembers] at a discount
As low as HKD128 per month

Add up to 5 sub-members[@insurance-healthpass-submembers] at a discount
Access to extensive medical service provider network 20% off at 1,800+ network medical service providers across 25+ specialties 20% off at 1,800+ network medical service providers across 25+ specialties
Video consultations Video consultations at a discounted price[@insurance-healthpass-include-med] Unlimited video consultations[@insurance-healthpass-unlimited-video-consultation]
Other medical services Discounted health and wellness offers Discounted health and wellness offers
Extra benefits (annual plan only) One free video consultation per member One free medical check-up per member[@insurance-healthpass-medical-check]
Choose from our Standard and Premium plans and enjoy the flexibility to pay monthly or annually to cater to your unique needs. Find out more details about the prices of the monthly and annual plans on the HSBC HK App.
Plan details Price[@insurance-healthpass-plan-types]
HealthPass Standard As low as HKD33 per month

Add up to 5 sub-members[@insurance-healthpass-submembers] at a discount
HealthPass Premium As low as HKD128 per month

Add up to 5 sub-members[@insurance-healthpass-submembers] at a discount
Plan details Access to extensive medical service provider network
HealthPass Standard 20% off at 1,800+ network medical service providers across 25+ specialties
HealthPass Premium 20% off at 1,800+ network medical service providers across 25+ specialties
Plan details Video consultations
HealthPass Standard Video consultations at a discounted price[@insurance-healthpass-include-med]
HealthPass Premium Unlimited video consultations[@insurance-healthpass-unlimited-video-consultation]
Plan details Other medical services
HealthPass Standard Discounted health and wellness offers
HealthPass Premium Discounted health and wellness offers
Plan details Extra benefits (annual plan only)
HealthPass Standard One free video consultation per member
HealthPass Premium One free medical check-up per member[@insurance-healthpass-medical-check]

Buy HSBC HealthPass in a few steps

Step 1

Log on to the HSBC HK App. On the home screen, go to 'Well+'.

Step 2

Tap on 'Explore plans' on Well+ landing screen.

Step 3

Follow the instructions on the screen to choose your plan and payment method, and complete your subscription with necessary information.

Step 4

You are all set! Download HealthyLife[@insurance-healthpass-healthylife-app] app to enjoy your benefits including video consultation and access to medical service network.

Things you should know


The minimum eligibility requirements to purchase a HSBC HealthPass membership (as the main member) are as follows:

  • You must be aged 18 years or above at the time of purchase
  • You must have a valid HSBC HKD account or HSBC HKD Visa or Mastercard Credit Card
  • You maintain your status as a valid HSBC HK Mobile Banking app user* throughout the duration of the scheme
  • Your membership of the HSBC HealthPass scheme has not previously been cancelled or terminated by HSBC Life
  • Your membership of the overall Well+ Programme remains valid and subsisting
  • You don't hold any existing and currently valid HSBC HealthPass memberships, whether a main membership or sub-membership

*Hong Kong residents only, not including MPF or Pension only customers.

Buy now

Download and apply on the HSBC HK App.

Need help? For any enquiries, please log on to the HSBC HK App, go to the 'Support' tab and select 'Chat with us'. Our team is here to help you.

Frequently asked questions

For more frequently asked questions, please log on to the HSBC HK App. Go to 'HSBC HealthPass' and select 'FAQ'.

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    HSBC HealthPass is a health services-based membership scheme sold and managed by HSBC Life (International) Limited, incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability ('HSBC Life'). HSBC HealthPass is a product of HSBC Life, but not The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (the 'Bank'). It's part of the overall Well+ Programme co-branded by HSBC Life and the Bank, and is aimed at rewarding those who are proactive in improving their health and general well-being ('you'). HSBC HealthPass gives customers access to affordable healthcare with discounted health, medical, and wellness services and products. HSBC HealthPass is a membership scheme and not an insurance product.

    • The screen displays are for reference and illustration purposes only.