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The Fed held rates unchanged, while both the ECB and the BoE lowered their key rates by…[10 Feb]
FX markets will wait for clarity on US President Trump’s trade policy, possibly...[27 Jan]
As an eventful 2024 comes to an end, we now stand on the brink of a promising new chapter...[21 Nov]
Social issues related to matters such as wages and treatment of workers have been growing...[24 May]
In this video, we analyse the market implications of the US election. Donald Trump is set...[18 Nov]
As expected, the Federal Reserve cut the Fed funds rate by 0.25% to a range of 4.25 - 4.5...[19 Dec]
While the Fed cut rates as widely expected, they expect inflation to remain above 2% in...[6 Jan]
Tourism, as we know it, is changing in the face of rising temperatures and extreme weather...[28 Mar]
Have you ever had a dreaded ‘what if’ scenario plague your thoughts? What if something bad...[3 May]
The returns of a bond are composed of coupon income and price changes. A key metric of...[29 Apr]
Multi-asset funds enable investors to access a diverse range of asset classes within a...[18 Apr]
HSBC’s recent Quality of Life Report' confirms what we’ve always sensed: physical and...[8 Apr]