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Merchant List

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. Hong Kong Branch

Bill payment for Assicurazioni generali S.p.A. Hong Kong Branch
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium

02 Extra Payment

03 Shortfall

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Assicurazioni generali S.p.A. Hong Kong Branch
Bill type

01 Premium

02 Extra Payment

03 Shortfall

Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

AIA Everest Life Company Limited

Bill payment for AIA Everest Life Company Limited
Bill type Bill account number

01 Premium Payment

02 Loan Repayment

03 Alteration Deposit

Last 8-digit of Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AIA Everest Life Company Limited
Bill type

01 Premium Payment

02 Loan Repayment

03 Alteration Deposit

Bill account number

Last 8-digit of Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

AIA International Limited

Bill payment for AIA International Limited
Bill type Bill account number

01 Premium

02 Loan Repayment

03 Policy Adjustment or Reinstatement Payment

04 Medical Shortfall

05 AIA Vitality Membership Fee / Insurance Levy

06 Group Premium Payment/Levy

10-digit PPS Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Policy No./ Group Shortfall No.

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


Policy No./ Membership No.

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


Policy No./ Group Insurance Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AIA International Limited
Bill type

01 Premium

02 Loan Repayment

03 Policy Adjustment or Reinstatement Payment

04 Medical Shortfall

05 AIA Vitality Membership Fee / Insurance Levy

06 Group Premium Payment/Levy

Bill account number

10-digit PPS Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Policy No./ Group Shortfall No.

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


Policy No./ Membership No.

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment


Policy No./ Group Insurance Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for AIA MPF
Bill type Bill account number

03 Employer Contribution

04 Self-employed Contribution

Contribution Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for AIA MPF
Bill type

03 Employer Contribution

04 Self-employed Contribution

Bill account number

Contribution Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment


Bill payment for AXA
Bill type Bill account number

01 Premium

02 Deposit for Change

03 Loan Repayment

Policy Number or Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AXA
Bill type

01 Premium

02 Deposit for Change

03 Loan Repayment

Bill account number

Policy Number or Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

AXA China Region - For Employee Benefits

Bill payment for AXA China Region - For Employee Benefits
Bill type Bill account number

10-digit PPS Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AXA China Region - For Employee Benefits
Bill type N/A
Bill account number

10-digit PPS Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

AXA General Insurance - For Employee Benefits

Bill payment for AXA General Insurance - For Employee Benefits
Bill type Bill account number

10-digit PPS Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AXA General Insurance - For Employee Benefits
Bill type N/A
Bill account number

10-digit PPS Bill Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment


Bill payment for AXA GI
Bill type Bill account number

01 Medical Insurance

10 General Insurance: Accident, Home, Credit Card, Income, Living, HospitalSurance

15 Direct Pay Premium

Membership Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type number + first 8-digit of policy number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Payment Reference Number (16-digit)

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for AXA GI
Bill type

01 Medical Insurance

10 General Insurance: Accident, Home, Credit Card, Income, Living, HospitalSurance

15 Direct Pay Premium

Bill account number

Membership Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill type number + first 8-digit of policy number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Payment Reference Number (16-digit)

  • Applicable to bank account payment

AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited

Bill payment for AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited
Bill type Bill account number


  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for AXA Wealth Management (HK) Limited
Bill type N/A
Bill account number


  • Applicable to credit card payment

BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

Bill payment for BCT (MPF) Industry Choice
Bill type Bill account number

Participating Plan Number (11 digits) OR Application Reference Number (9 digits)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for BCT (MPF) Industry Choice
Bill type N/A
Bill account number

Participating Plan Number (11 digits) OR Application Reference Number (9 digits)

  • Applicable to credit card payment

BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

Bill payment for BCT (MPF) Pro Choice
Bill type Bill account number

Participating Plan Number (11 digits) OR Application Reference Number (9 digits)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for BCT (MPF) Pro Choice
Bill type N/A
Bill account number

Participating Plan Number (11 digits) OR Application Reference Number (9 digits)

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited

Bill payment for Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Bill type Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited
Bill type N/A
Bill account number

Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

BOC Group Life Assurance Co Ltd

Bill payment for BOC Group Life Assurance Co Ltd
Bill type Bill account number
01 Premium Payment

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for BOC Group Life Assurance Co Ltd
Bill type 01 Premium Payment
Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bupa (Asia) Ltd

Bill payment for Bupa (Asia) Ltd
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Subscription & Levy-Individual

02 Shortfall

03 Subscription & Levy-Group

04 Subscription - Group Policy (Member)

05 Subscription - HASE Policy

Membership or Contract Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Bupa (Asia) Ltd
Bill type

01 Subscription & Levy-Individual

02 Shortfall

03 Subscription & Levy-Group

04 Subscription - Group Policy (Member)

05 Subscription - HASE Policy

Bill account number

Membership or Contract Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Blue Insurance Limited

Bill payment for Blue Insurance Limited

Bill type
Bill account number

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

02 Renewal/ Policy Change (HKD)

04 Initial Premium (RMB)

05 Renewal / Policy Change (RMB)

11 Initial Premium-Par policy HKD

12 Renewal/Policy Change-Par HKD

14 Initial Premium-Par policy RMB

15 Renewal/Policy Change-Par RMB

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill payment for Blue Insurance Limited

Bill type

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

02 Renewal/ Policy Change (HKD)

04 Initial Premium (RMB)

05 Renewal / Policy Change (RMB)

11 Initial Premium-Par policy HKD

12 Renewal/Policy Change-Par HKD

14 Initial Premium-Par policy RMB

15 Renewal/Policy Change-Par RMB

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

China Life Ins (Overseas) Co Ltd*

Bill payment for China Life Ins (Overseas) Co Ltd
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium & Levy/Loan Repayment

02 Levy Payment Only

03 Initial Premium & Levy

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for China Life Ins (Overseas) Co Ltd
Bill type

01 Premium & Levy/Loan Repayment

02 Levy Payment Only

03 Initial Premium & Levy

Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: CHINA LIFE INS (O'SEA) CO LTD

Chubb Life Insurance Company Ltd

Bill payment for Chubb Life Insurance Company Ltd
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium Payment (HKD)
02 Policy Change Payment (HKD)
03 OPP Payment (HKD)
04 Policy Reinstatement (HKD)
05 Loan Repayment (HKD)
06 Premium Payment (RMB)
07 Policy Change Payment (RMB)
08 OPP Payment (RMB)
09 Policy Reinstatement (RMB)
10 Loan Repayment (RMB)

PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Chubb Life Insurance Company Ltd
Bill type

01 Premium Payment (HKD)
02 Policy Change Payment (HKD)
03 OPP Payment (HKD)
04 Policy Reinstatement (HKD)
05 Loan Repayment (HKD)
06 Premium Payment (RMB)
07 Policy Change Payment (RMB)
08 OPP Payment (RMB)
09 Policy Reinstatement (RMB)
10 Loan Repayment (RMB)

Bill account number

PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment

Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited

Bill payment for Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium Settlement

02 Deposit for Change

03 Policy Loan Repayment

Policy number (No need to key in the alphabets)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited
Bill type

01 Premium Settlement

02 Deposit for Change

03 Policy Loan Repayment

Bill account number

Policy number (No need to key in the alphabets)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance

Fubon Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited*

Bill payment for Fubon Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited

Bill type
Bill account number

01 Policy Premium Payment

03 Policy Change or Reinstatement Payment

8 Digits Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for Fubon Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited

Bill type

01 Policy Premium Payment

03 Policy Change or Reinstatement Payment

Bill account number

8 Digits Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: FUBON LIFE INS (HK) CO LTD

FWD Life Insurance Co (Bermuda) Ltd

Bill payment for FWD Life Insurance Co (Bermuda) Ltd

Bill type
Bill account number

01 Renewal Premium

02 Initial Payment

03 Automatic Premium Loan Repayment

04 Policy Change /Reinstatement

05 Insurance Levy

Bill number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Bill payment for FWD Life Insurance Co (Bermuda) Ltd

Bill type

01 Renewal Premium

02 Initial Payment

03 Automatic Premium Loan Repayment

04 Policy Change /Reinstatement

05 Insurance Levy

Bill account number

Bill number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

FWD Life (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as MetLife Ltd)*

Bill payment for FWD Life (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as MetLife Ltd)

Bill type
Bill account number

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

03 Renewal Premium (HKD)

Reference number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for FWD Life (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as MetLife Ltd)

Bill type

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

03 Renewal Premium (HKD)

Bill account number

Reference number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: FWD LIFE (HONG KONG) LTD LTD

FWD Life Assurance Co (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as Metropolitan Life)*

Bill payment for FWD Life Assurance Co (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as Metropolitan Life)
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

03 Renewal Premium (HKD)

Reference Numbers

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for FWD Life Assurance Co (HK) Ltd (Formerly known as Metropolitan Life)
Bill type

01 Initial Premium (HKD)

03 Renewal Premium (HKD)

Bill account number

Reference Numbers

  • Applicable to credit card payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: FWD LIFE ASSURANCE CO (HK)

Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium

02 Extra Payment

03 Loan Repayment

Policy Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
  • Applicable to credit card payment (except bill type 03)

Bill payment for Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill type

01 Premium

02 Extra Payment

03 Loan Repayment

Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to bank account payment
  • Applicable to credit card payment (except bill type 03)

Hang Seng Insurance (Life)

Bill payment for Hang Seng Insurance (Life)
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Life Premium Payment

02 Loan Repayment

Policy Number (First 8-digit)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Hang Seng Insurance (Life)
Bill type

01 Life Premium Payment

02 Loan Repayment

Bill account number

Policy Number (First 8-digit)

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited

Bill payment for Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Renewal + Levy
02 Initial premium + Levy

03 Levy
04  Loan

05 APL

06 Other

Bill Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited
Bill type

01 Renewal + Levy
02 Initial premium + Levy

03 Levy
04  Loan

05 APL

06 Other

Bill account number

Bill Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

HSBC Life (International) Limited

Bill payment for HSBC Life (International) Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 HSBC Life-Renewal Premium
02 HSBC Life-Loan Repayment

03 HSBC Life - Renewal Premium (RMB)

04 HSBC Life - Loan Repayment (RMB)

05 HSBC Life - Employee Benefits

06 LifeSurance Plan (HKD)

Bill Type 01

8 Digit Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment
  •   Applicable to credit card payment
Bill Type 02


8 Digit Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Type 05

Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Type 06

Bill type number + first 8-digit of policy number

  •  Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for HSBC Life (International) Limited
Bill type

01 HSBC Life-Renewal Premium
02 HSBC Life-Loan Repayment

03 HSBC Life - Renewal Premium (RMB)

04 HSBC Life - Loan Repayment (RMB)

05 HSBC Life - Employee Benefits

06 LifeSurance Plan (HKD)

Bill account number

Bill Type 01

8 Digit Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment
  •   Applicable to credit card payment
Bill Type 02


8 Digit Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Type 05

Policy number

  •   Applicable to bank account payment

Bill Type 06

Bill type number + first 8-digit of policy number

  •  Applicable to bank account payment

Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited

Bill payment for Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited

Bill type
Bill account number

10 digits of the Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited

Bill type
Bill account number

10 digits of the Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Kai Wing Insurance Broker Co Ltd

Bill payment for Kai Wing Insurance Broker Co Ltd

Bill type
Bill account number

Insured Mobile Phone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for Kai Wing Insurance Broker Co Ltd

Bill type
Bill account number

Insured Mobile Phone Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Manulife (International) Limited*

Bill payment for Manulife (International) Limited
Bill type
Bill account number
01 Individual Insurance Premium

Policy Number

  • Applicable to Bank Account Payment
  • Applicable to Credit Card Bill Payment
Bill payment for Manulife (International) Limited
Bill type
01 Individual Insurance Premium
Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to Bank Account Payment
  • Applicable to Credit Card Bill Payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: MANULIFE (INT'L) LTD

Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited - For MPF

Bill payment for Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited - For MPF
Bill type
Bill account number

9-digit or 10-digit Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to Credit Card Bill Payment (for existing merchant only)
Bill payment for Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited - For MPF
Bill type
Bill account number

9-digit or 10-digit Bill Account Number

  • Applicable to Credit Card Bill Payment (for existing merchant only)

Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 General Insurance

02 Group Medical

12-digit Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Bill type

01 General Insurance

02 Group Medical

Bill account number

12-digit Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Prudential Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Prudential Hong Kong Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Individual Life Insurance - Initial premium or balance of initial premium

02 Individual Life Insurance - Deposit for change or revival, or administration fee

03 Individual Life Insurance - Renewal Premium

04 Individual Life Insurance – Loan Repayment

05 General Insurance - Policy Premium

10-digit billing number for Life Insurance or 12-digit General Insurance policy number starts with 9

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

10-digit billing number for Life Insurance

  • Applicable to bank account payment

12-digit General Insurance policy number starts with 9

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Prudential Hong Kong Limited
Bill type

01 Individual Life Insurance - Initial premium or balance of initial premium

02 Individual Life Insurance - Deposit for change or revival, or administration fee

03 Individual Life Insurance - Renewal Premium

04 Individual Life Insurance – Loan Repayment

05 General Insurance - Policy Premium

Bill account number

10-digit billing number for Life Insurance or 12-digit General Insurance policy number starts with 9

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

10-digit billing number for Life Insurance

  • Applicable to bank account payment

12-digit General Insurance policy number starts with 9

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Sun Life Hong Kong Limited

Bill payment for Sun Life Hong Kong Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium & Levy

02 Change/Reinstatement Deposit/Lump Sum Investment

03 Loan Repayment

04 Deposit for Application (with Policy Number)

05 Levy Premium Only

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Sun Life Hong Kong Limited
Bill type

01 Premium & Levy

02 Change/Reinstatement Deposit/Lump Sum Investment

03 Loan Repayment

04 Deposit for Application (with Policy Number)

05 Levy Premium Only

Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Group Insurance)

Bill payment for Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Group Insurance)

Bill type
Bill account number
01 Group Medical - Shortfall

10 digits Bill Account No. on Shortfall Notice & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Bill payment for Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Group Insurance)

Bill type
01 Group Medical - Shortfall
Bill account number

10 digits Bill Account No. on Shortfall Notice & ignore the alphabet

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Tahoe Life

Bill payment for Tahoe Life
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Premium

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for Tahoe Life
Bill type

01 Premium

Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

YF Life Insurance International Limited*

Bill payment for YF Life Insurance International Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

01 Renewal Premium
02 Deposit For Change 

03 Unscheduled Premium 

04 Initial Premium

8-digit or 11-digit PPS Payment Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment
Bill payment for YF Life Insurance International Limited
Bill type

01 Renewal Premium
02 Deposit For Change 

03 Unscheduled Premium 

04 Initial Premium

Bill account number
8-digit or 11-digit PPS Payment Number
  • Applicable to credit card payment
  • Applicable to bank account payment

*When paying bills via HSBC HK Mobile Banking app or Online Banking to this merchant, its name will be shown as: YF LIFE

Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong)

Bill payment for Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong)
Bill type
Bill account number

PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong)
Bill type
Bill account number

PPS Payment Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment

Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited

Bill payment for Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment
Bill payment for Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited
Bill type
Bill account number

Policy Number

  • Applicable to credit card payment