Managing MPF tax deductible voluntary contributions account
With HSBC MPF, you have access to a wide range of comprehensive services designed to make it easy for you to manage your tax deductible voluntary contributions account.
Explore MPF TVC Accounts

Check your MPF account balances and other information online
HSBC Online Banking and HSBC HK Mobile Banking allow you to check your MPF account balances, account returns, asset distribution, contribution history (last 18 months for HSBC Online Banking and last 12 months for HSBC HK Mobile Banking) and change your investment allocation. In addition, you can view or download Member Benefit Statements in the HSBC Online Banking.
If you're an existing HSBC Online Banking user, you can log on and access your MPF account by HSBC Online Banking or HSBC HK Mobile Banking.

Manage your MPF online
Enjoy a range of eServices and manage your MPF account(s) at your fingertips.

Monthly fund performance summary [PDF]
Summary of how individual Constituent Fund in HSBC MPF scheme is performing.

Quarterly fund fact sheet [PDF]
A report on the investment objectives, portfolio allocation and holdings, and market commentary for each Constituent Fund.

Your MPF Member Benefit Statement
It includes a detailed summary of account movements for the financial year, and from the first day you joined the scheme,

MPF Hotlines
HSBC MPF Member Hotline: +852 3128 0128
HSBC MPF Employer Hotline: +852 2583 8033
Our member hotline is a 24-hour interactive voice response system allowing members to manage their MPF accounts.

Retirement planner
Find out if you have saved enough for your retirement.

Visit a branch with MPF services
Find the nearest branch offering an MPF drop-in box and services.
Monitor and manage your MPF
With HSBC, you can enjoy the convenience of managing your MPF account through our comprehensive service:
- Our MPF website
- Online and mobile banking
- Our MPF member hotline at +852 3128 0128
- Our ATM service
- Our extensive branch network
- MPF videos
- Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet
- Monthly Fund Performance Summary
Managing your MPF account is easy through our online banking services. You can check your MPF account balances and change your investment allocation whenever you want.
If you're a registered online banking user, you can automatically access your MPF account information through Personal Internet Banking or HSBC HK Mobile Banking provided you use the same identification numbers, namely your Hong Kong ID or passport number, for your MPF account and your bank or credit card account.
Instant access to the information you need regarding your MPF account:
MPF account information |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
Latest contribution |
N/A |
Total account balance |
Account balance by employer or by fund |
(by account) |
N/A | (by account) |
Latest unit prices of funds |
N/A |
N/A |
Fund information |
N/A | N/A |
N/A |
Change of investment allocation |
(For portfolio rebalance, asset switch and contribution redirection only) |
(For portfolio rebalance, asset switch and contribution redirection only) |
(portfolio rebalance and contribution redirection only) |
N/A |
N/A |
Changing online banking password or MPF phone PIN |
Changing online password |
N/A | Changing MPF phone PIN |
N/A |
N/A |
Forms |
Commonly used forms |
N/A | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Latest contribution |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Total account balance |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
MPF account information |
Account balance by employer or by fund |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
(by account) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
(by account) |
MPF account information |
Latest unit prices of funds |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Fund information |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
N/A |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Change of investment allocation |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
(For portfolio rebalance, asset switch and contribution redirection only) |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
(For portfolio rebalance, asset switch and contribution redirection only) |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
(portfolio rebalance and contribution redirection only) |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Changing online banking password or MPF phone PIN |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
Changing online password |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
N/A |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
Changing MPF phone PIN |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
MPF account information |
Forms |
HSBC Online Banking (for personal customers) |
Commonly used forms |
HSBC HK Mobile Banking (for personal customers) |
N/A |
MPF Member hotline (852) 3128 0128 |
N/A |
HSBC and Hang Seng Bank ATMs |
N/A |
Consolidated bank statement1 |
N/A |
1 Applicable to HSBC Global Private Banking, HSBC Premier Elite, HSBC Premier, HSBC One or Personal Integrated Account customer, and subject to some circumstances. Please refer to the Section ‘Mail statements’ in Member Service Guide for the details.
View a demonstration of our online banking services.
Additional information
Important information
Important notes
- The information contained here is for reference only and will be updated without notice. The provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail for any information on MPF system. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this website, you should seek independent professional advice.
- lnvestment involves risks. Past per performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.