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MPF for the self-employed

We offer one-stop MPF scheme solutions to those who are self-employed as the sole proprietor or partner of a business

Supporting the self-employed with their MPF

Let us help you meet your legal obligation to enrol yourself in an MPF scheme within 60 days of becoming self-employed. We can provide you with the comprehensive support you need to manage your MPF account easily as someone who's self-employed.

Key benefits

Award-winning funds

Over 50 prestigious awards and recognitions*. The only MPF provider in Hong Kong that has been crowned both the ‘MPF Scheme of the Year’ and ‘Employers’ Choice’ for 3 consecutive years[@mpf-rating2024]

*August 2023 to July 2024

A wide variety of funds

Choose from 20 investment options that help you diversify your investments into different markets and asset classes, or a combination of constituent funds that help suit your risk appetite

Wealth management and retirement planning

Enjoy holistic wealth management and retirement planning services through a one-stop platform that lets you manage both your MPF and bank accounts

Enjoy premium banking services

Your MPF accrued benefits count towards your total relationship balance[@mpf-trb]

Contributing to MPF as a self-employed person

Contribution frequency and amount

This table shows how much you have to contribute, based on your income and contribution frequency.
Relevant income Mandatory Contributions

Less than HKD7,100 per month

(or less than HKD85,200 per year)

Not required

HKD7,100-30,000 per month

(or HKD85,200-360,000 per year)

5% of the relevant income

More than HKD30,000 per month

(or more than HKD360,000 per year)

HKD1,500 per month
This table shows how much you have to contribute, based on your income and contribution frequency.
Relevant income

Less than HKD7,100 per month

(or less than HKD85,200 per year)

Mandatory Contributions Not required
Relevant income

HKD7,100-30,000 per month

(or HKD85,200-360,000 per year)

Mandatory Contributions 5% of the relevant income
Relevant income

More than HKD30,000 per month

(or more than HKD360,000 per year)

Mandatory Contributions HKD1,500 per month

Additional contributions

You can contribute more to your MPF voluntarily via Flexi-Contributions or Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC). Refer to this table for what you need to note:
Additional contribution Details
Payment method directly from you
Payment frequency regularly or lump sum
Minimum contribution amount

Monthly: HKD300


As a lump sum: HKD1,000

You can contribute more to your MPF voluntarily via Flexi-Contributions or Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC). Refer to this table for what you need to note:
Additional contribution Payment method
Details directly from you
Additional contribution Payment frequency
Details regularly or lump sum
Additional contribution Minimum contribution amount

Monthly: HKD300


As a lump sum: HKD1,000

Important information

Awarded the '2025 MPF Scheme of the Year' & '2025 Employers' Choice'[@mpf-rating2024]

The only MPF provider in Hong Kong that has been crowned both the 'MPF Scheme of the Year' & 'Employers' Choice' for 3 consecutive years[@mpf-rating2024].

Need help?

Meet with us

Speak with our MPF specialists who will be able to address your enquiries directly.

Give us a call

Our hotline is open 24 hours a day, every day. But if you would like to speak to a customer service representative instead, we're available between 8:30am and 7:30pm on Mondays to Fridays; between 8:30am and 1:00pm on Saturdays, except on public holidays.

HSBC MPF member hotline: +852 3128 0128

Find out more

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Explore our MPF options and find out how to manage your MPF accrued benefits easily 


Open an HSBC MPF TVC account and make TVC contributions to enjoy a maximum tax-deductible amount of HKD60,000


We offer a wide range of constituent funds with different investment objectives


See withdrawal and investment options for your MPF accrued benefits (including TVC and Flexi-contributions)


    The information contained here is for reference only and will be updated without notice. The provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail for any information on MPF system. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this website, you should seek independent professional advice.

    Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure(PDF).