How to withdraw your accrued benefits
Whether you're ready to retire or your personal circumstances have been changed, withdrawal of accrued benefits is fast and easy.
Find information on withdrawing your accrued benefits. If you haven't retired yet, you may be able to withdraw your accrued benefits early or partially withdraw your additional voluntary contributions, depending on conditions.
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When can I withdraw my accrued benefits?
At 65, you’re able to withdraw your accrued benefits in one go or in instalments by filling in a claim form on the grounds of retirement. If you decide to leave your accrued benefits in your MPF account, they'll continue to be invested in your chosen funds. All you need do is fill out and submit the relevant forms.
According to MPF legislation, you can only withdraw your accrued benefits derived from mandatory contributions when any one of the following circumstances occurs.
Retirement or early retirement between 60 and 64
You can withdraw your accrued benefits in one go or in instalments on the grounds of retirement at the age of 65, or early retirement at the age of 60, and have permanently ceased employment and self-employment.
Small balance
Early withdrawal may be possible if your accrued benefits do not exceed HKD5,000 and you're required to make a statutory declaration that:
- The time between your claim date and last mandatory contribution to any registered scheme date exceeds 12 months;
- You do not have accrued benefits in any other registered scheme;
- You do not expect to become employed or self-employed in the future.
Permanent departure from Hong Kong
You must provide proof that you have left or are about to leave Hong Kong permanently with no intention to return or resettle as a permanent resident. You're entitled to be paid accrued benefits on the ground of permanent departure from Hong Kong only once in a lifetime, except as permitted by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation.
Terminal illness
If you have a terminal illness that is likely to reduce your life expectancy to 12 months or less, you may be eligible for early withdrawal of your accrued benefits.
Total incapacity
If sickness or injury is preventing you from working, you may be eligible for early withdrawal. Total incapacity is when you're permanently unfit to perform the kind of work that you were performing before becoming totally incapacitated.
Death (to be paid to your legal personal representative)
The accrued benefits of the deceased member can only be claimed by the scheme member's legal personal representative, as indicated in a Letter of Probate or Letter of Administration granted by the Probate Registry. The personal representative should complete the relevant forms for withdrawal.
Making partial withdrawals
Before you retire, you can make partial withdrawals of a minimum of HKD5,000 per withdrawal, up to 12 times in a financial year from 1 July to 30 June the following year free of charge from any or each of the following sub-accounts..
- Member's voluntary contributions
- Member's ORSO transfers
- Non-preserved MPF transfers
- Flexi-Contributions
Additional voluntary contributions including Flexi-Contributions are designed to help you plan for retirement and should not generally be regarded as a source of funds for meeting short-term financial needs. We encourage you to consider your long-term financial needs for retirement before withdrawing funds from your additional voluntary contributions including Flexi-Contributions.
Submit the relevant form and designate a percentage for each sub-account from which you wish to make a withdrawal. There's no handling fee for making a partial withdrawal.
Tools and resources
Members should submit completed claim forms together with any necessary supporting documents to prove that you are eligible to withdraw accrued benefits under the relevant circumstances.1
Claim forms
You'll need to fill in the appropriate claim forms and any required supporting forms or documents to make a withdrawal.
Please download and complete the form
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining the Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/ Death
Supporting documentation2
To make your claim, you'll need to submit supporting documents listed below in addition to the claim form.
Please download and complete the form
Early retirement between 60 and 64
Permanent departure from Hong Kong
Total incapacity
Terminal illness
Small balance
Instructions for treatment of accrued benefits after retirement age
No additional supporting documentation
Notes :
1 Please use the Chinese version of the declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese.
2 In some cases, the statutory declarations must be provided for early withdrawal. The statutory declaration must be made before and signed by a Commissioner for Oath at either the Public Enquiry Service Centre of the Home Affairs Department, a Notary Public or a Justice of the Peace. A statutory declaration made in a place other than Hong Kong is also acceptable provided that it is made before and signed by a Notary Public or a person authorised under the law of that place to administer an oath or take a statutory declaration.
3 Please note that additional forms will be required for mentally incapacitated scheme members. Click here to access forms.
Important information
Important notes
- The information contained here is for reference only and will be updated without notice. The provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail for any information on MPF system. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this website, you should seek independent professional advice.
- Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.