One plan to safeguard your health and wealth
Our Health Goal Insurance Plan promotes long-term wealth growth with potential returns up to 4% p.a.[@potentialreturn] It also offers protection against 3 major critical illnesses including cancer, heart disease and stroke—any critical illness claims you make will not affect your policy value.
What's best for your insurance needs? Get tailored guidance from our Insurance Specialists today.
Key benefits

Accumulate your wealth
Get long-term wealth growth with potential returns of up to 4% p.a.[@potentialreturn] and the option to lock in part of your prevailing policy value with the Policy Value Management Option[@policylockin]

3 times the critical illness benefits
Receive an extra lump-sum payment up to 3 times (once per disease) if you're diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or stroke[@criticalillnessbenefits] before age[@birthdaydefinition] 80—without any change to your policy value

Option to transfer your benefits
Extend a gift by transferring the coverage of your policy to your loved ones, up to 3 times[@criticalillnessbenefitstransfer]

Special offers — Enjoy up to 15% off
- Enjoy up to 15% off your first year's premium plus an additional 1.5% off for select customers. T&Cs apply.
- Enjoy preferential interest rate on time deposit after successfully applied for this plan. T&Cs apply.
- Enjoy first-year premium waiver on HSBC VHIS Flexi Plan when you apply for this plan with designated premium amount. T&Cs apply.
Global medical care services

Get world-class medical care
Get personalised care and medical consultation services for cancer, stroke and heart disease from Harvard-level experts at top-ranked hospitals in the US.
Learn more about the service[@pgh]Footnote link 8, pgh.
Note: Preferred Global Health ("PGH") is the service supplier of the global medical care services. Eligibility and scope of service is subject to the terms and conditions specified by PGH. HSBC Life (International) Limited does not accept any liability relating to the service supplier. The services are value-added services provided by PGH while this policy is effective. It is your or the insured person's responsibility to pay for all treatment, medical and related costs or expenses incurred, whether directly or indirectly from receiving the services.
How to apply
To apply for our Health Goal Insurance Plan, you'll need to meet both of these requirements:
- the insured person is aged[@birthdaydefinition] between 15 days and 65 years, depending on the premium payment terms you select
- meet our criteria for nationality (country/region/territory), address and residency—which are subject to change from time to time
The HSBC Health Goal Insurance Plan is a whole life insurance plan with a savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life"). It is not equivalent or similar to a bank deposit. Policyholders are subject to HSBC Life's credit risk and early surrender loss.
Talk with us
Get personalised support from our Insurance Specialists. Book a face-to-face appointment or meet with us over video.
Or call us on (852) 2233 3130. Lines are open 11:00am to 7:30pm, Mondays to Fridays except public holidays.
HSBC Premier Elite or Premier customer?
Contact your Premier Elite Director or Relationship Manager. HSBC Premier customers can also call us on (852) 2233 3322.
Find out more
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Your policy at your fingertips
Get easy access to your policy details, future policy projections, make changes to your policies and more, all via online or mobile banking