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Voluntary health insurance

Our certified plans under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme offer comprehensive medical coverage, access to private healthcare and tax relief

Medical coverage against health threats, with above-market1 View footnote 1 claims paid ratio

Enjoy medical coverage and tax relief2 View footnote 2 through our Standard and Flexi plans as a registered provider of Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS). With a claims paid ratio3 View footnote 3 of 97% on our VHIS plans, you can rest assured that you will receive all the support you need, when you need it.

Why choose a VHIS plan?

Continuous lifetime assurance

Live long and worry-free, with our guaranteed policy renewals of up to age4 View footnote 4 100

Cover for unknown pre-existing conditions

Life may be full of uncertainty, but VHIS can cover you for unknown pre-existing conditions5 View footnote 5

Coverage for medically necessary treatments

You'll be covered for medically necessary treatments such as day case procedures, prescribed diagnostic imaging tests6 View footnote 6 and prescribed non-surgical cancer treatments

Get tax relief

Enjoy tax relief and claim a tax deduction2 View footnote 2 of up to HKD8,000 per insured person annually. Learn more about tax-savings tips This link will open in a new window

Explore our VHIS plans

HSBC VHIS Flexi Plan

A voluntary health insurance plan offering full coverage7 View footnote 7 on medical expenses, annual benefits of HKD5 million or more, and tax savings—available online

  • Full coverage of HKD5 million or more
  • Choose your annual deductible
  • Cover previously unknown conditions
  • No upfront out-of-pocket costs

HSBC VHIS Standard Plan

An essential standard voluntary health insurance plan offering annual benefits of up to HKD420,000 to cover your basic healthcare needs and tax savings

  • No limits on lifetime benefits
  • Wide-ranging care and coverage
  • Cover previously unknown conditions
  • Enjoy tax relief

See a detailed comparison between our VHIS Standard and Flexi plans.

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QDAP X VHIS HSBC Life — your No. 1 Life Partner This link will open in a new window

Enjoy both steady retirement income and medical coverage, while enjoying tax deduction of up to HKD68,00013 View footnote 13!

Medical (VHIS) or critical illness insurance, either one or both? This link will open in a new window

Sign up for “Your one-stop guide to getting insured” for free and learn important facts and tips about the two insurance types within two weeks.

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Some VHIS plans include a self-paid deductible. Learn more about what it is and its benefits.

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There is a wide variety of medical insurance on the market. Learn what makes VHIS plan unique and choose smartly.

How to apply

Apply online

Applying for a VHIS Flexi Plan is easy. Get a quote to get started online right away.

Need help?

Want to apply for the VHIS Standard Plan instead or got questions about VHIS plans? You can book a face-to-face appointment, or a video-enabled meeting with us.

Find out more


  1. "HSBC Life invested 160 million on health technology, reduces medical claims from 5 days to 5 minutes" as released by Sing Tao on 15 May 2023.
  2. Only policyholders and their spouses who are Hong Kong taxpayers are eligible for tax deduction. Tax deduction for qualifying premiums paid under a VHIS policy (excluding levy) will be based on the premiums paid after deducting the premium discount, if any. Your actual tax savings may be lower than the amount in the example, as each case is determined by the Inland Revenue Department. For more information, please visit Inland Revenue Department This link will open in a new window or seek independent tax advice.
  3. Claims paid ratio is calculated as total claims amount paid divided by total claims amount incurred (after the consideration of any deductible and/or claims amount paid by first insurers for second claims, if applicable) in local currency, of the approved cases in 2022.
  4. The age refers to the age you were on your last birthday.
  5. Pre-existing condition(s) shall mean, in respect of the insured person, any sickness, disease, injury, physical, mental or medical condition or physiological degradation, including congenital condition, that has existed prior to the policy issuance date or the policy effective date, whichever is earlier. Unknown pre-existing condition(s) refers to any pre-existing condition(s) that the policy holder and/or insured person was not aware and would not reasonably have been aware of at the time of application. Application is subject to HSBC Life. Please refer to the policy provisions for the full terms and conditions.
  6. Tests covered here only include computed tomography ("CT" scan), magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI" scan), positron emission tomography ("PET" scan), PET-CT combined and PET-MRI combined.
  7. Full coverage refers to the actual amount of eligible expenses and other expenses that are charged and payable per the terms and benefits of this policy.
  8. Eligible expenses incurred in other areas worldwide shall be covered according to the VHIS Standard Plan terms and benefits. Greater China shall mean mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Asia shall mean Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Greater China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Worldwide shall mean no geographical limitation, except for psychiatric treatment and cash benefit for lower ward classes which are applicable to Hong Kong only. Please refer to the additional benefit provisions endorsement for more details.
  9. Eligible expenses incurred in respect of the same item shall not be recoverable under more than one benefit item in the table above.
  10. HSBC Life shall have the right to ask for proof of recommendation, e.g. a written referral or testifying statement on the claim form by the attending doctor or a registered medical practitioner.
  11. The percentage here applies to the surgeon's fee actually payable or the benefit limit for the surgeon's fee according to the surgical categorisation, whichever is lower.
  12. Treatments covered here only include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy.
  13. Each taxpayer is allowed to claim a tax deduction for his or her qualifying deferred annuity premiums up to a maximum limit of HKD60,000 per assessment year, which is an aggregate of qualifying deferred annuity premiums and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) tax-deductible voluntary contributions.  In addition, each taxpayer who or whose spouse is the policyholder of a policy issued under a certified plan of Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) may claim tax deductions for the premiums paid up to HKD8,000 per insured person per assessment year.  The amount of tax deduction in this example assumes a taxpayer paying premiums (excluding levy and discount) of HKD60,000 for qualifying deferred annuity policy (QDAP) and of HKD8,000 under VHIS during the year of assessment.  The amounts are for illustrative purposes only.  The actual amounts of tax deductible and/or saving depend on the personal circumstances, and may be different from the amounts illustrated.  For details, please visit the website of the Inland Revenue Department ( This link will open in a new window).

The HSBC VHIS Plans are life insurance plans underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life") which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority ("IA") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. They are not bank deposit or bank savings plan. Please refer to the product brochures for detailed features and the policy provisions for the detailed terms and conditions.

HSBC Life is incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, and is one of the HSBC Group's insurance underwriting subsidiaries. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ('HSBC') is registered in accordance with the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as an agency of HSBC Life for the distribution of life insurance products in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  These products are products of HSBC Life but not HSBC and they are intended only for sale in the Hong Kong SAR. Your benefit is subject to the credit risk of HSBC Life. Your premiums paid will form part of HSBC Life's assets. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against HSBC Life only.

In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between HSBC and you out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, HSBC is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the above insurance product should be resolved between HSBC Life and you directly.