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HSBC Family Protector

Term life insurance you can tailor with additional benefits like critical illness cover, hospital cash and more—available online only

Give yourself and your family the best

Don’t let the unexpected leave you unprepared. Family Protector consists of term life protection and your choice of cover from critical illness to hospital cash.

See offer details

Key benefits

Comprehensive protection

Life coverage of up to HKD7 million[@insurance-underwriting-limit], no health examination needed!

Top up your protection

Pay extra to add up to 4 of these benefits to your plan: accidental death, critical illness, cancer, child protection, and hospital cash

Easy to budget for

The monthly premiums for your basic plan and additional benefits are at a fixed rate that's adjusted every 10 years[@10yearsfixedpremium]

Apply online easily

Apply in just a few simple steps, on your computer or your phone, any time

Special offers — Enjoy 67% off online with 'SAVE8M'

  • Apply online with the promo code 'SAVE8M' to enjoy an 8-month first-year premium waiver. T&Cs apply.
  • Enjoy special first-year premium discount with the code found in the latest version of PayMe app. T&Cs apply.
  • Well+ members can enjoy 9-month waiver on their first-year premium, T&Cs apply; Plus, earn a premium rebate of up to $300 RewardCash when you complete the 'Get Insured Online Challenge'. T&Cs apply.



*Average monthly premium in first year is calculated by the total first-year premium minus total premium waiver and divided by 12 months.

The amount shown includes the levy and is subject to rounding adjustments. It is indicative and for reference only.

Enhance your cover with additional benefits

Select up to 4 additional benefits to extend coverage for your health or protect your children.
Additional benefits What you get
Policy documents
Critical illness and cancer protection


Additional lump sum to spend at your discretion if diagnosed with a critical illness. Choose the cancer or critical illness benefit, and from 3 coverage levels: HKD500,000, HKD1 million or HKD1.5 million.

From HKD1.69 / day[@criticalillnessillustrativeexample] for critical illness coverage of HKD1.5 million
Hospital cash benefit Daily cash payments of either HKD800 or HKD1,600 if you are hospitalised, per your coverage level. Get double the amount if you need intensive care or are hospitalised abroad[@hospitalcash]. From HKD2.72 / day[@hospitalcashbenefitillustrativeexample] for daily hospital cash payments of HKD1,600
Hospital cash benefit policy provisions (PDF, 258KB)
Child protection HKD500,000 death benefit, HKD500,000 cancer benefit payable upon a cancer diagnosis, and a hospital cash benefit of HKD400 a day per any one period of the covered disability[@disabilitydefinition] for each of the insured's children[@childrendefinition] (including any they may have in the future). For just HKD3.26 / day Child protection policy provisions (PDF, 277KB)
Accidental death benefit An additional coverage, equivalent to 50% of the basic plan, for your beneficiaries if you pass away from an accident.
From HKD0.04 / day[@accidentaldeathbenefitillustrativeexample] Accidental death benefit policy provisions (PDF, 240KB)
Select up to 4 additional benefits to extend coverage for your health or protect your children.
Additional benefits Critical illness and cancer protection
What you get


Additional lump sum to spend at your discretion if diagnosed with a critical illness. Choose the cancer or critical illness benefit, and from 3 coverage levels: HKD500,000, HKD1 million or HKD1.5 million.

From HKD1.69 / day[@criticalillnessillustrativeexample] for critical illness coverage of HKD1.5 million
Policy documents
Additional benefits Hospital cash benefit
What you get
Daily cash payments of either HKD800 or HKD1,600 if you are hospitalised, per your coverage level. Get double the amount if you need intensive care or are hospitalised abroad[@hospitalcash].
From HKD2.72 / day[@hospitalcashbenefitillustrativeexample] for daily hospital cash payments of HKD1,600
Policy documents Hospital cash benefit policy provisions (PDF, 258KB)
Additional benefits Child protection
What you get
HKD500,000 death benefit, HKD500,000 cancer benefit payable upon a cancer diagnosis, and a hospital cash benefit of HKD400 a day per any one period of the covered disability[@disabilitydefinition] for each of the insured's children[@childrendefinition] (including any they may have in the future).
For just HKD3.26 / day
Policy documents Child protection policy provisions (PDF, 277KB)
Additional benefits Accidental death benefit
What you get
An additional coverage, equivalent to 50% of the basic plan, for your beneficiaries if you pass away from an accident.
From HKD0.04 / day[@accidentaldeathbenefitillustrativeexample]
Policy documents Accidental death benefit policy provisions (PDF, 240KB)

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How to apply


To apply for HSBC Family Protector, you'll need to meet all these requirements:

  • be aged[@birthdaydefinition] between 19 and 60
  • hold an existing HSBC HKD bank account or credit card
  • apply with the HKID you used to open your HSBC account
  • meet our requirements for nationality (country/region/territory), address and residency such as restrictions on US, mainland China and Japan—which may be subject to change from time to time


HSBC Family Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited. It is not equivalent or similar to bank deposit. Policyholders are subject to HSBC Life's credit risk.

Apply now

Get started with a quote now. If you have any questions, you can talk to us via Live Chat. We're available from 10:30am to 10:00pm, Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).

Find out more

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    HSBC Family Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life") which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority ("IA") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. The plan aims to fulfil your need for financial protection against mishaps such as death, and for health care needs to prepare for situations such as critical illness or hospitalisation. Neither this plan nor any of its additional benefits have any cash or surrender value. Unless you exercise your cancellation right within the cooling-off period, you will not be able to access any funds from your policy by terminating or surrendering it. You should seek source from other sources of liquid assets or cash to meet your present or future liquidity needs. It is not a bank deposit or bank savings plan. Please refer to the product brochure for detailed features and the policy provisions for the detailed terms and conditions.

    HSBC Life is incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, and is one of the HSBC Group's insurance underwriting subsidiaries. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ('HSBC') is registered in accordance with the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as an insurance agent authorised by HSBC Life. This product is a product of HSBC Life but not HSBC and it is intended only for sale through HSBC in the Hong Kong SAR. Your benefit is subject to the credit risk of HSBC Life. Your premiums paid will form part of HSBC Life's assets. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against HSBC Life only.

    In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between HSBC and you out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, HSBC is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the above insurance product should be resolved between HSBC Life and you directly.