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Credit Cards

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

General Credit Card

How long will it take to get my new credit card?

Once we receive your application and supporting documents, we'll process your application within 10 working days. If your application is approved, we'll send out your new credit card within 3-5 working days.


Am I eligible for the RewardsCash Programme?

HSBC personal credit cards cardholders are eligible to participate in the RewardCash Programmes. Standalone private label card and iCAN cardholders are not eligible for the programme.

HSBC Reward+ App

What information is shown in the "Discover" function?

"Discover" displays all the latest offers and promotions of HSBC credit cards as well as offers and promotions exclusive to Reward+. You can register offers and promotions on "Discover".

Apple Pay

What is Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is one of the Mobile Payments solutions available to HSBC personal card cardholders. It provides a fast, easy and private way to pay in stores using your compatible iPhone or Apple Watch, and within some apps on your compatible iPhone or iPad. Simply add your HSBC Visa or MasterCard or UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card or ATM Card (with UnionPay logo) to Apple Wallet and you can make payments using Apple Pay.

Google Pay

What is Google Pay?

Google Pay is one of the Mobile Payments solutions available to HSBC personal card cardholders. It provides a simple and secure way to pay using your compatible Android devices. Choose your device and add your HSBC credit card to Google Pay app to make transactions with your Android device in stores or in app.

Samsung Pay

What is Samsung Pay?

Samsung Pay is one of the Mobile Payments solutions available to HSBC personal card cardholders. Samsung Pay is a secure and easy-to-use mobile payment service which employs Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, making it available almost anywhere accepting credit cards. Add your HSBC credit card to Samsung Pay app to make transactions with your Samsung device in stores or in app.

Cash Instalment plan

Do I save interest expenses by making early repayment of Cash Instalment Plan?

The Monthly Instalment Amount is calculated by dividing the aggregate of the Loan and all the handling fees by the relevant number of instalments. The same handling fee will be charged for each instalment. You can choose to make early repayment, however, the total outstanding principal amount plus an early repayment fee calculated at 2% of such outstanding principal amount will be charged. For HSBC Privé, the early repayment fee is waived. If you choose to pay off the loan early, the loss may outweigh the gain as the amount of handling fee saved may not be enough to cover the relevant fees and charges for early repayment. You may contact us to check about the total amount involved in early repayment (including outstanding principal amount, early repayment fee and other fees, etc.). You should then compare the outstanding handling fee and early repayment fee and consider carefully before making a decision of repaying early or not.

Can I request to make early repayment of the total outstanding amount? 

You can choose to make early repayment, however, the total amount of outstanding principal amount plus an early repayment fee calculated at 2% of such outstanding principal amount will be charged. Therefore, you are advised to make careful consideration before making any early repayment decision. For HSBC Privé, the early repayment fee is waived.

How long will it take and what will be the total cost to fully repay the Cash Instalment Plan by making minimum payments only?


The below examples are for illustration only. For customized information, please refer to our HSBC website (Borrowing>Credit Cards>Credit Card Repayment Calculator)

If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…
You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...

Only Minimum Payment Due

(Including 1% of monthly instalment principal amount)

11.5 years** 
3 years**



The below examples are for illustration only. For customized information, please refer to our HSBC website (Borrowing>Credit Cards>Credit Card Repayment Calculator)

If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…

Only Minimum Payment Due

(Including 1% of monthly instalment principal amount)

You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
11.5 years** 
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...
If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…
You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
3 years**
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...


* The outstanding balance of HKD20,000 is accrued from purchase only.
** Assume repayment is made on or before the payment due date of each statement month.
*** Include the outstanding balance of HKD20,000 and the total finance charge which is accrued daily and calculated at an interest rate of 2.65% per month (equivalent to an annualised percentage rate of 35.42% on purchase and 35.94% on cash advance) on the outstanding balance until it is fully paid.

Cash Credit Plan

Do I need to provide supporting documents to apply for the Cash Credit Plan?

We may need you to upload your proof of income to complete your Cash Credit Plan application.  You may submit your proof of income by clicking ‘Submit documents for Cash Credit Plan’ under ‘Borrowing Cards and Loans’ on our public website; or mail it in by mentioning your HKID or credit card number on the income proof and marking it ‘for Cash Credit Plan application’.

Spending Instalment plan

Can I request to make early repayment of the total outstanding amount? 

You can choose to make early repayment, however, the total amount of outstanding monthly handling fee for the remaining Instalment Period plus any interest (if applicable) and an administration fee of HKD300 will be charged. Therefore, you are advised to make careful consideration before making any early repayment decision. For HSBC Privé, the early repayment fee is waived.

How long will it take and what will be the total cost to fully repay the Spending Instalment Plan by making minimum payments only?



The below examples are for illustration only. For customized information, please refer to our HSBC website (Borrowing>Credit Cards>Credit Card Repayment Calculator)

If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…
You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...

Only Minimum Payment Due

(Including 1% of monthly instalment principal amount)

11.5 years** 
3 years**




The below examples are for illustration only. For customized information, please refer to our HSBC website (Borrowing>Credit Cards>Credit Card Repayment Calculator)

If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…

Only Minimum Payment Due

(Including 1% of monthly instalment principal amount)

You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
11.5 years** 
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...
If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash advances on this card and each month you pay…
You will pay off the outstanding balance* of HKD20,000 in about... 
3 years**
and you will end up paying an estimated total of...


* The outstanding balance of HKD20,000 is accrued from purchase only.
** Assume repayment is made on or before the payment due date of each statement month.
*** Include the outstanding balance of HKD20,000 and the total finance charge which is accrued daily and calculated at an interest rate of 2.65% per month (equivalent to an annualised percentage rate of 35.42% on purchase and 35.94% on cash advance) on the outstanding balance until it is fully paid.

Credit Limit Increase

How can I apply credit card limit increase via HSBC HK App?

Simply log on to the HSBC HK App and follow these steps to increase the credit limit for your card.

  1. Select the credit card you want to increase the credit limit for.
  2. Tap on 'View more', and then on ‘Increase credit limit’.
  3. Enter your preferred credit limit and declare your relationship with HSBC.
  4. Review the information, accept the credit card terms and key facts statement, then tap on ‘Confirm’.

Please note the credit limit increase is subject to bank checks and approvals. If need be, we'll request you to upload your income proof. It'll take up to 4 working days process your application.

Submit supporting documents

What supporting documents are required for a credit card application?

If you are an existing HSBC customer with payroll account in HSBC and hold a HK Permanent ID Card, NO supporting document is required. If you would like to set up payroll account before applying for a credit card, please complete "Instruction Form for Setting Up/ Transfer of Salary Autopay".

Other customers, please provide:

  1. Copy of HKID Card. If you are not holder of HK Permanent ID Card, please also provide copy of passport and employment contract with a contract period of at least 9 months from the date of submitting the application.
  2. Income/Asset proof:

a) Regular Income Earner: latest 1 month bank book/statement/eStatement/online transaction history (showing applicant's name, account number and monthly income), or latest 1 month salary slip.

b) Irregular Income Earner/Part-timer: latest 3 months bank book/statement/ eStatement/online transaction history (showing applicant's name, account number and monthly income), or latest 3 months salary slip.

c) Self-Employed: latest tax demand note, or latest 3 months' bank book/statement/eStatement/online transaction history (showing company name, account number and transaction history) and current Business Registration Certificate and proof of ownership of business and previous 2 years Tax Return.

d) Others: latest 3 months bank deposit/ bank book/ statement/ eStatement/ online transaction history in Hong Kong (showing applicant's name, account number and transaction history) or regular monthly rental income credited to applicant's bank account and the signed tenancy agreement.

2 Way SMS

What is 2 Way SMS?

If we see a suspicious transaction on your credit card, we'll send you an SMS alert. The message will ask you to reply to let us know whether the transaction is genuine.

What should I do if I receive a 2 Way SMS for a transaction I made?

Reply Y SMS mobile screen, image use for what should I do if i receive a 2 way sms for a transacion I made.


Reply with 'Yes' or 'Y' if you recognise the transaction

Then check if the transaction is successful. On some occasions, payment may be declined due to security reasons. If that happens, you'll need to make the transaction again.

What should I do if I receive a 2 Way SMS for a transaction I didn't make?

Reply N SMS mobile screen, image use for what should I do if i receive a 2 way sms for a transacion I didn't made.


Reply with 'No' or 'N' if you do not recognise the transaction or the details are incorrect

We'll decline the transaction and block your card. We'll also reach out to you between 9am-10:30pm HKT to understand more about this. You can help fight fraud too. Get in touch with us immediately after you've responded with 'N'.

Verification Code for Online Transaction/HSBC HK App Online Transaction Authentication Service

Why are you introducing HSBC HK App Online Transaction Authentication Service?

This is a robust new service which allows you to review and approve online payments safely and conveniently in the HSBC HK App, after successful log on.

Why do I need a verification code/perform transaction authentication in HSBC HK App for online transactions?

Some online merchants use 3D Secure to improve the security of online purchases. When you make an online transaction using your HSBC credit or debit card you may be asked to approve the purchase using a verification code or give approval in the mobile app.

If you've already set up your HSBC HK App and have verified your identify, we’ll send an authentication request to the app so you can approve the payment safely with your 6-digit Mobile Banking PIN or biometric authentication (Touch ID/Face ID/fingerprint) on supported devices.

If you’re not a registered user of the HSBC HK App a verification code will be sent via SMS to your registered mobile number. Simply enter the verification code in merchant’s payment page to authenticate your transaction.