The money grower's wealth management diary
As an avid investor, you're constantly scanning the market for opportunities. But things happen really quickly in the investment world. Whether you're trying to keep tabs on funds, foreign exchange (FX) or new IPOs, you might see opportunities here one minute and gone the next. With the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app (HSBC HK App), you can easily see how the market moves and capture more opportunities.

10:00: Fund investment made easy
You start your morning by tuning in to the wealth insights, then go through 11 funds pre-selected by our FlexInvest experts for growth opportunities. With our user-friendly app, you can invest small amounts and switch funds as many times as you want, so you can capture opportunities at a lower cost.

17:00: Get into the latest IPO with just the touch of a button
So an exciting new IPO is causing a buzz in the office. If you want in, all you have to do is grab your mobile phone and subscribe to it online. With the right tools, great opportunities won't slip through your fingers!

03:30: One-stop FX and overseas transfer services
It's the middle of the night, but you get a message from your kid studying abroad: "Tuition fees due!" You know the FX market can be quite volatile, so you've already set an FX Order Watch using the HSBC HK App for automatic conversions at your target exchange rate. This way, you've made sure you've got the funds on hand to instantly1 make an online payment to your kid's overseas HSBC account via HSBC Global Transfers. Don't you just love it when things are so convenient?
- HSBC Global Transfers is an instant transfer to self-named or third-party overseas personal HSBC accounts exclusively available to HSBC Premier Elite, HSBC Premier and HSBC One customers. It is free of charge for HSBC Premier Elite, HSBC Premier and HSBC One customers exclusively. The service is available for over 15 regions, including Australia, Mainland China, Singapore, the UK and the US, and more. See our full list of Global Transfers supported countries / regions.
- Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Touch ID and Face ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries/regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
- Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
The information is not and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any investment products, and should not be considered as investment advice. You should carefully consider whether any investment products are appropriate in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances.
Investment involves risk. Investors should not only base on this material alone to make investment decisions. Please refer to the offering documents of the respective funds for details, including risk factors. The price of units or shares and the income from them may go down as well as up and any past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance. The information contained on this website is intended for Hong Kong residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, in particular the United States of America. Please refer to the Unit Trust disclaimer for further important details.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
Risk disclosure
- Investment involves risk. You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances. The price of securities may move up or down. Losses may be incurred as well as profits made as a result of buying and selling securities.
For Renminbi (RMB) products:
- There may be exchange rate risks if you choose to convert RMB payments made on the products to your home currency.
- RMB products are subject to interest rate fluctuations, which may adversely affect the return and performance of the RMB products.
- RMB products may suffer significant losses in liquidating the underlying products if such products do not have an active secondary market and their prices have large bid/offer spreads.
- You could lose part or all of your principal if you choose to sell your RMB bonds / CDs prior to maturity.
- In general, RMB equity products are exposed to the usual kind of default risks that might be associated with equity products denominated in other currencies.
FX Order Watch
Currency conversion risk - the value of your foreign currency and RMB deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. If you choose to convert your foreign currency and RMB deposit to other currencies at an exchange rate that is less favourable than the exchange rate in which you made your original conversion to that foreign currency and RMB, you may suffer loss in principal.
- FX Order Watch Trading Services are exclusively provided to HSBC Premier Elite, HSBC Premier and HSBC One customers only.
- The services are only applicable for integrated accounts, HKD/FCY Statement Savings Accounts and HKD Current Account, except Multiple Currencies Savings accounts or HK Dollar Passbook Savings accounts.
- Please note the weekly Foreign Exchange Offer is not applicable to exchange transactions done via the FX Order Watch Trading Services.
- Customers can trade via FX Order Watch Trading Services from Monday 5 am HKT to Saturday 4 am HKT during summer time (US daylight saving), and Monday 5 am HKT to Saturday 5 am HKT during winter time (non-US daylight saving).