Hong Kong Dollar Savings Account
Start earning interest with just HKD5,000
Access your account via branches, phone banking, Mobile and Online Banking
How to Apply
- Visit a branch with the required documents [PDF]
- Book an appointment
- Call: 2233 3000
Renminbi Savings Account
Earn interest from your daily balance
Earn bonus interest1 on your account if your Total Relationship Balance is HKD1,000,000 or above
Easy to set up standing instructions to make regular payments automatically
How to Apply
- Visit a branch with the required documents [PDF]
- Book an appointment
- Call: 2233 3000
Foreign Currency Savings Account
Open your account with the equivalent of USD1,000 in 10 major currencies2
Take advantage of favourable interest rate movements and exchange rate movements between currencies
See your transaction details easily in one monthly statement3
Access your account via branches, phone banking, Mobile and Online Banking
How to Apply
- Visit a branch with the required documents [PDF]
- Book an appointment
- Call: 2233 3000
Children Savings Account
No fees or minimum balance
Free ATM card for flexible transactions and withdrawals
Earn interest from your daily balance
How to Apply
- Visit a branch with the required documents [PDF]
- Book an appointment
Have you considered
All-in-one integrated account for deposits, credit cards, investment, insurance etc. You’ll have access to a comprehensive range of services, including foreign currency deposits and Renminbi services. A single, easy-to-read monthly statement helps you grasp your complete financial situation at a glance.

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1 The balance of Renminbi Savings Account will be included in the calculation of the Total Relationship Balance. Bonus interest rate will be applied if the customer's Total Relationship Balance is over HKD1,000,000.
2 10 major currencies include Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, New Zealand dollar, Pound Sterling, Singapore dollar, Swiss franc, Thai baht and US dollar.
3 Applicable to Integrated Account and Statement Savings Account only.
When processing any cash transactions, we may ask for transaction details and supporting documents. This better protects you from fraud and defends the integrity of the financial system. We’ll keep all information and required documents confidential and use it to understand the transaction only.
Risk Disclosure
Currency conversion risk - the value of your foreign currency and renminbi deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. If you choose to convert your renminbi deposit to other currencies at an exchange rate that is less favorable than the exchange rate in which you made your original conversion to renminbi, you may suffer loss in principal.
Investment involves risks. Past performance of investment products are no guide to future performance. For details of the investment products and the investment-linked insurance plan, their related fees and charges and risk factors, please refer to the individual product materials/ offering documents.